If you need any of these things, just put the words "yo necesito" (I need) in front of the Spanish word. Congratulations you just had your first spanish lesson, but be sure to bring yourself a good Spanish-English dictionary with you, just in case. Good luck and let us know if we can help with anything.

car  - carro,coche
truck  - camioneta
tire  - llanta
flat tire  - llanta desinflada
air- aire
battery- acumulador, pila
directions- direcciones
lane- caril
street light- semaforo
corner- escina
radiator- radiador
alternator- alternador
engine- maquina, motor
gas- gasolina
gas station- Pemex
unleaded- sin plomo
highway-  carretera
road- camino
alto- stop
police- policia, transito